Effect of Post-Cutting Sugarcane and Sucrose Concentrationon Characteristic Jelly Drink
Pengaruh Umur Pasca Potong Tebu dan Konsentrasi Sukrosa Terhadap Karakteristik Jelly Drink
The aim of this research was to determine effect of post-cutting times and sucrose concentration on the characteristics sugarcane jelly drink used factorial randomized block design. The first factor was post-cutting times (U): 1 day (U1), 3 days (U2), dan 5 days (U3), second factor was sucrose concentration (S): 0% (S1), 5% (S2) dan 10% (S3). The data obtained were then analyzed using analysis of variance and further test BNJ 5%. The results showed there was significant interaction between post-cut sugarcane age and sucrose concentration on the parameters of pH, TPT, reducing sugar, and viscosity of sugarcane jelly drink. The post-cuting times and sucrose concentration was significant affected on the hedonic test of aroma, taste and suction power of sugarcane jelly drink. The best treatment was U1S2 (1 day post-cutting time, 5% sucrose concentration) with characteristics of TPT 14,533 obrix, pH 4.070, reducing sugar 20,370%, viscosity 2,407 x 103 mPa.s, lightness 84,360, and color organoleptic aroma, taste and suction respectively 4,200, 4,567, 3,967 and 4,100.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Albraham Fitrianto, Lukman Hudi

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