Effect of Proportion of Flesh and Peel of Bligo (Benincasa Hispida) on The Organoleptic Characteristics of Bligo Pudding
Pengaruh Proporsi Daging dan Kulit Buah Bligo (Benincasa Hispida) Terhadap Karakteristik Organoleptik Puding Bligo
Bligo plant (Benincasa hispida) is a plant that is still in the same family as the Cucurbitaceae plant. This study utilized the pulp and peel of the bligo fruit (Benincasa hispida) to make pudding using various proportions, consisting of 6 treatment levels (proportion of bligo pulp with bligo peel are 100% : 0%, 80% : 20%, 60% : 40%, 40% : 20%, 0% : 100% . Data were analyzed using Friedman test, ANOVA statistical analysis and 5% BNJ follow-up test. The best treatment was the concentration of the proportion of bligo pulp and peel which showed in P3 treatment (bligo pulp 60% bligo peel 40%) with a color organoleptic test value of 2,47 (normal-like), aroma organoleptic test of 2,20 (normal-like), texture organoleptic test 3,23 (normal-like), and taste organoleptic test 2.83 (normal-like).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hexandria Abdullah Mutaqqien, Syarifa Ramadhani Nurbaya, Ida Agustini Saidi, Rahmah Utami Budiandari

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